Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Lauren Writing Contest

        Lauren's life made a huge turn when she had been diagnosed with cancer. She could no longer be social with all of her friends, have much fun, or even attend school. Yet still, while having to bear all that, she made her primary goal of each day to be positive.
        In only a matter of a few days, she went from being a normal teenager to a cancer patient. She had days that were better than others, and she even created a system to measure that. At the end of each day, she would ask herself if the day went good, or bad. If it was good, she would place a blue rock in a jar. Otherwise, she would place a red one in a separate jar. Because she focused on being positive each day, she needed to get a larger jar for her blue rocks multiple times. Due to medication, she lost her all her hair, was sick most days, and spent most of her time in her hospital room.
       However, she gained great experiences. One day, she attended a meeting where cancer patients would meet together and talk, learn, and understand cancer. She learned a lot and made many friends. One day, after several doses of medication, doctors reported that the cancer had been wiped out completely. She had once again took another huge turn in her life.
       After she was given permission, Lauren was able to continue her education, social life, and become a normal teenager once again. Now she is working with a foundation that helps other people who are diagnosed with cancer. When Lauren’s life took a turn, it took a turn for the better.

1 comment:

  1. I think this is fantastic! There is very little you need to do to have it ready to send in. I love how you give detail as you recount how Lauren coped. You have excellent transitions and sentence structure. Maybe add some additional detail about Lauren, post cancer. Excellent writing!
