Friday, October 31, 2014

Journey To The Center Of The Earth
Part 1
On Rocktober 33, 4200, a man named Mr. Dude was eating faucets in a cup of beans. Mr. Dude is a 31.37215839 year old man who really likes to eat faucets. He took out his pencil to check the news and something terrible happened. Here is what it said. “The faucet company has a new rule making it illegal to eat more than 72 faucets a day. If caught, you have to pay a 334456724 eraser fine and have 43.5768295 years in prison.” Mr. Dude was all like, “NOOOOOOOOOO!” Mr. Dude had to do something. He could not live without eating all the faucets he wants. Then he came up with an idea. If I want to get rid of the law, I would have to take over the faucet company, but how am I going to do that? Then it came to him. I have to get to the center of the Earth! But he couldn’t do it alone, it would be too boring. He exited his cup of beans using his magic chair leg. Who should I bring along with me? An ice cream? Nah. A person? No. A green drug free wristband thingy? Nope. A Monopoly 10 eraser bill? Perfect. So he set off towards the grocery store with Mr. Eraser the Monopoly 10 eraser bill.
“Can I have a faucet?” said Mr. Eraser.
“No way! These are my faucets!”
They entered the grocery store and found the perfect place to start.
“Okay Mr. Eraser, this is it.”
“This is so exciting!”
“Yep but don’t get too enthusiastic, our plan might fail.”
“Yeah, I do have this feeling that we are forgetting something.”
“You are.” said the store manager. “You forgot your pencil.”
So Mr. Dude used his magic chair leg and entered his cup of beans and looked around for a bit.
“Here it is.”
“Yay!” exclaimed Mr. Eraser.
So with the magic chair leg, they exited the cup of beans, and Mr. Dude was ready to begin.
“How are you going to get there?” asked Mr. Eraser.
“Simple, by eating faucets.”
“Oh, that makes sense.”
Mr. Dude ate a faucet and a one mile hole with a diameter of 3 sideways bookshelves long.
“Geronimo!” yells Mr. Dude as he jumps down.
Mr. Dude and Mr. Eraser use their hover couches to get down through the first mile of the Earth’s crust. Mr. Dude ate another faucet and another mile was uncovered. He then ate twenty three more faucets. They entered the mantle. Magma was everywhere, except in the hole.
“This is stupid.” said Mr. Eraser. “It’s really boring. It’s not like we didn’t already know exactly what was down here.”
“Don’t worry, it stops being boring when you get 27 miles down.” He ate another faucet. “You would think going through molten rock would be fun. Luckily it will be fun soon, though.” He ate another faucet. “Yay! It’s not boring anymore.”
“Do you know where all this area we are clearing is going?” asked Mr. Eraser.
“Who cares, it’s not like it’s replacing the atmosphere and going to destroy the Earth and make it the perfect time for The Resisty to undo it’s ‘shrinky self-destruct’ and try to escape Earth and have to destroy the so called ‘atmosphere’ causing it to fall to ground crushing everything, and don’t even ask me how that works.”
“The Resisty is a stupid name. They so should have gone with the name Pirate Monkeys. And why would it be the perfect time for them to escape?”
“Don’t ask me, I said that this won’t happen.”
“True, but if the Mantle is 1800 miles thick, how are we going to get through it if you can only eat 72 faucets a day?”
“Oh crap.”
After eating 46 more faucets they started going back up.
“Does it seem darker to you?” asked Mr. Eraser.
“Well no dip, of course it’s darker. It’s 143.5786921 o’crick!”
“Oh. And why are we going up anyways? We don’t need to go up to use the magic chair leg.”
“Good idea.”
So they entered the cup of beans and died. Next morning they came back alive and looked at the news on Mr. Dude’s pencil. “The faucet company has won the award for the most awesome law ever in the history of everness. Also, part of the atmosphere was replaced by stone and lava. But who cares about that, it’s not like the atmosphere and going to destroy the Earth and make it the perfect time for The Resisty to undo it’s ‘shrinky self-destruct’ and try to escape Earth and have to destroy the so called ‘atmosphere’ causing it to fall to ground crushing everything.”
“Of course not, why would that happen? And how did they get that award?” asked Mr. Eraser.
“Because Mr. Scervierugh the seventeenth decided to eat a carrot.”
“Oh, that makes sense.”

Part 2 coming soon...

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Hidden Power: Chapter 1: Part 2

I could feel the heat of the sun touch my pale skin. A feeling I've never felt before. I take a deep breath and savor the moment. The smell, like the blossoms of a cheery tree mixed with every beautiful thing in the world, combined into one sweet, perfect smell that you've never smelled before. The heat reached out to me, hot against my skin, yet the cool wind blew against my body making my shiver.
      "It's pretty great isn't it?" Alyssa sighs, as if remembering a moment from her past. "I've been stuck in that old building for almost two years now. It feels good to finally feel the sun against my body again and feel the wind comb my hair." She's always been a poetic person, but I never even thought she would come up with something to describe exactly how I was feeling.
     "I know, this weather is perfect. I was starting to forget what the outside looked like. It truly is a beautiful place. But every moment is broken, and this is the end of this one. We have places to be guys, we better hurry." Lilliana links her arms with mine and Alyssa and we all walk to the middle school auditorium.
      The middle school auditorium was very different from the elementary school's. This one was larger and resembled a theater, with cushioned seats, a grand stage, and a huge tech box above in the back of the whole thing.
      Other students I recognize from the elementary branch were chatting in the front rows where the new students sat in alphabetical order by last names. Alyssa sat in 'R' row with the last name Renold and next to her was Lilliana with the last name Rose. I sat in 'B' row with the last name Black, next to me was Jaxon Barrix and Zach Brooks. So basically, I'm on my own and the others are with each other.
     I hear the voices start to quiet down and turn towards the front of the room as three other students walk to the podium. They stand there looking important as the last few people quiet down, then one of the boys walk to the front of the stage. He had spiky brown hair cut-short, brown eyes, and rather tan skin. "Hello fellow students. My name is Tanner Rodriguez, I'm in the honors program, ninth grade, and I will be class president for all year two students. Welcome to ninth grade fellow classmates and eighth graders, good luck." He smiles, showing off perfect white teeth then walking to the back of the stage and taking a seat.
      Next a girl with bright red hair and piercing green eyes walked to the front of the stage. The way she stood would give you the impression she has done this before, and she probably has. "I am Madison Gardener and I will be the class rep for all tenth graders. I am 15 years old, in honors classes and advanced orchestra, and I look forward to spending the year with you. And remember, nothing gets past me tenth graders, so be on your best behavior." She smiles, her red curls bobbed when she tilt her head and an applause immediately sounded. She bowed and walked off to the side, sitting next to Tanner, and the applause ended just as fast as it begun.
     Last of all was a scrawny dirty-blonde haired, blue eyed boy. He grabbed some papers and nervously walked to the front of the stage. "Uh... Um... My name is Rain Keal, I... I am 13 years old, and... and I will be class rep for the eight graders this year... I guess..." He stutters a lot but still managed a small smile. A huge applaud burst out, one probably even bigger then the one for Madison. He smiled a bit bigger and walked off to joined the rest of the class rep students.
     Next the principal walked up. He was tall, wearing a principal like suite, I guess. I've never really seen a principal before since the elementary school branch didn't have a principal, only teachers and the head administrator, whom never showed their face in the elementary school. "Hello students, welcome back ninth and tenth graders and we're glad to have you eighth graders."-Smile-"This year will be even better then the last with some outstanding students who have been here since the beginning."-Smile-"We would now like to introduce the first students who ever attended this school"-And guess what, another smile-"He is now an eighth grader and he's been here since he was six years old. Rain Keal." The boy from before jumped to his feet surprised and everyone turned to look at him, besides two girls sitting in 'R' row, whom were staring at me.
     "Rain, would you like to say some words. And maybe try to convince the other students like you to come join you up here?" And guess what, another... wait for it.... smile. I know, I know, shocking.
     "Um... uh.... uh... um... I..." He started to speak but was getting choked up, stuttering, and shaking a little bit. "I..." He seemed to scanning the crowd of eighth graders for a face that seemed familiar. Which is why I wonder why he made eye contact with me. "Al... ice" I see what he's doing here.
     I hesitantly stand up and climb over the 'A' row, which was semi-empty from people who didn't show up, and walk to the front of the auditorium. Rain smiled, and not like one of those fake smiles he made earlier, like a real smile when he saw me coming to save him from certain doom.
     I walk up the stairs and can feel every one's eyes on me, now this sort of thing doesn't happen in the elementary school because their attention spans are about as short a piece fresh, cut grass.
     Rain walks away from the stand and towards me. "Thanks for coming up here, I really owe you one." He says, at least he stopped stuttering.
     I walk up to the microphone and immediately notice why he was so shaken up. There are a lot of people watching you and the spotlight was about as bright as the sun seemed, just narrower and more directed towards you, but I still put on a fake smile and begin to speak.
     "Hello fellow middle-schoolers."-Yes I said that-"My name is Alice Black, and like Rain, I have been at this school, since it opened. It's been seven short years, and I have to say, I miss the elementary branch already, because I grew up there. But here I am right now, about to go to what seems like a whole new world..." I say getting lost in my thoughts, "A place full of people I've known but can't remember. Some I've never even seen before. It's a little over-whelming, and I bet the other students who have only ever known the elementary branch as home, are also a bit over-whelmed. The other students who have been here since they were six years old, the ones that were too little to remember anything about their life before they came here. And I can't even say I can name all the people that joined here with me, it took me a while to recognize Rain. But I know, we as a school, and not only the ones that have been here since it opened, but also the ones that have trickled in, we will survive here, and be just one step closer to outside world. Outside our comfort zones. So let's rock this school year." I conclude, a burst of cheers coming from all directions. The class reps all applauding like crazy. I'd have to say, it felt good to have all these people cheering for me.
     "An amazing speech, Miss Black." The principal says, a wide principal smile on his face, "One more round of applause for Miss Black." He says as I walk off stage. The applauding starts up again and I can feel the heat creep up my face, I was probably as red as rose all the way to the tips of my ears.
     "Now, what you've all been waiting, the truth behind the academy, how you were all chosen to be in this school, what makes you special." The principal says as the ninth and tenth graders begin to leave.
     This is it, the moment we learn about our magic....
To be continued

The beauty of 9/11

On September 11, 2001, a man named James went to work like any other day. As normal, he walked from his apartment to his small office building. On his way, he decided to go through Central Park, he only went through it on days he thought would be different. When he went through, he always noticed how vibrant the colors were because he was used to the city look and didn’t see trees and plants that much. When he came through the park it always seemed to put him in a good mood for the day. As he was walking through, he paused at a big tree and had a sudden memory of his childhood of playing around on that same tree with his friends, as he came back to reality he checked his watch, 7:49am, he still had about an hour to get to work, so he decided to go and see all the plants. As he walked through, he noticed a particular bouquet of flowers for sale that he thought were beautiful and he wondered how his wife would like them, so he made a note to come back through and get them when he was returning from work. James checked his watch again, 8:01am, he decided that he better start getting to work.  As he started leaving the park, he felt an urge to stay a little longer, so he decided that he would go in 15 minutes, so those 15 minutes flew by as he was looking at all the unique plants by the lake. He soon heard a roaring engine and as he looked to see what the source was, he saw a plane that was heading directly to the twin towers. At first he didn’t know what to do, then he started reaching for his phone to make a call to the police, but then he realized that it would be useless because a cop couldn’t stop a 500 mile per hour plane. James felt as his heart stopped as soon as saw the explosion and a pillar of smoke rising out of the North Tower. Time seemed to have stopped, but the smoke is still rising. As he looked around people were still screaming and panicking trying to contact the police. About 15 minutes passed but felt like just seconds, people were screaming and freaking out but James had no idea what to do. Then he heard another horrific sound heading straight for the South Tower. As the second plane hit he heard the worst sound he has ever heard. A new pillar of smoke was floating up right beside the other one. As he looked back to the North Tower, he thought he saw some small dots falling out. He then realized that those are innocent people that are about to lose their lives because of a group of idiots who are set to ruin the lives of many others. After witnessing such a horrible crime he felt as he would never sleep again. He decided to go and buy the flowers for his wife and just go home, because he didn’t really want to go to work after seeing that, so, he went back to the flower seller but paused when he walked up, he saw all the beauty in the flowers and looked around a little more and saw all the beauty of the plants he saw before, and he decided not to let a horrific accident ruin his day, so he went to work like nothing ever happened. So, he had a thought, “The world would be a better place if everyone could see the beauty in everything and no matter how hard things are at the time”

Peter Collins and the Secret Library - Chapter One: Part 1

For the beginning of Peter Collins and the Secret Library, please go to the Prologue.

Chapter 1
Behind the door (Part 1)

Twelve year old Peter Collins awoke to the sound of screams. His emerald eyes snapped open, his heart pounding and dark chocolate hair slick with sweat. He felt weak and dizzy, like he had the flu. When he craned his neck to see who was screaming, he felt the scar on his neck prickle. And then he knew. This wasn’t the flu. And the screams were coming from him.
Peter sat up in bed and pulled the covers closer around his shivering body. With trembling hands, he reached across the bed and clutched the faces of his smiling parents, frozen in a golden frame. He hugged it to his chest and, through blurred vision, imagined himself in a different place. A different room.
He felt his parents’ arms around him, their warmth seeping into his body, evaporate the sweat and pain from his face. He heard their soothing voices, comforting him, telling him it was just a dream and that he was safe with them. He saw his father’s dark brown hair, his mother’s green eyes, a mixture of his own features. Their faces smiled and he smiled back. For a moment, he was home.
And then it was gone.  
With a bump, he was back in the bed, in the room, in the house, in the town, seven hundred and sixty miles from his own. And his parents were dead.
Dead. His nightmare.  
The bright headlights of a truck.
The loud blast of a horn.
The skidding of tires as it tries to swerve.
The shattering glass.
His parents’ screams.
His screams.
The tears fell before he could stop them. They ran down his face and down his neck. For a full minute he cried.
Stop it. he told himself.
But he didn’t. He couldn’t.

The chapter will be continued in Chapter 1: Part 2

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Letter Contest

      I think cursive should not be taught in schools anymore because after people learn cursive many of them go back to writing in print, people mostly communicate by technology, and we need to focus on the more important things in school.
      First of all, after most people learn cursive many of them forget it and go back to writing in print. For some people it might take them longer to write in cursive than in regular print. We can't force kids to learn it if they don't want to.
      Secondly, most of the people on Earth today use technology to communicate. Hardly anyone writes letters when we can just text or call. Letters take longer too. People post selfies of them on a fun trip instead of mailing a postcard. In school, a lot of what we do in on computers. We just type things up and hit save instead of writing  notes on paper and keeping it somewhere safe.
      Finally, we need to focus on the more important subjects in school, such as: Math, reading, writing, and science. If we spend time teaching kids how to write the alphabet in perfect, loopy letters it takes time out of learning the more essential subjects. In the article it says that for students from the 1950's learning cursive was part of growing up, but they spent so much time on that they didn't get to the really important stuff.
      Is it time for cursive to disappear forever, or would we be making a mistake if it finally died? Some people say cursive should still be taught in schools because many historical documents were written in it but we can get copies in print and just read those if we can't understand what they say.
      In conclusion, cursive should be banished from schools because people go back to print after learning it, we mostly use technology to communicate, and we need to focus on the more important subjects in school. For the reasons above, I don't think it would be such a bad thing if cursive died. Do you?

Second Part to My Story

I gently pick up the bright rose and quickly climb down the ladder. I gently walk to the bright blue bean bag chair and sit down. I put the rose down on the white carpet next to me and I exchange it for a book. As I skip through the pages, I can smell the pages and I can feel the wind on my face. I take my bookmark out at the page I left it on, and I start to read. After about an hour, I look down and to my surprise, The rose wasn’t there anymore! Look to the other side of my room and I see a shadow climb up the ladder. I throw my book to the ground and leap up to my feet. I climb up the ladder and as I get to the top, I see the doors again! I must be dreaming again. I raise my arm up and pinch it to see if it was real. I felt it. I’m not dreaming..
I quickly turned to look to the door on the left and at that moment, the door closed. I looked at the frame and noticed that something was different. The frame looked like it was just painted. My eyes started to shift to the walls. They had been painted to this dark red color. There was no longer wallpaper and this mysterious room no longer looked old. I look back at the door on the left and walk over to it. I reach for the handle and start to open the door. I saw myself, but not in the present. I see myself in the past playing with my puppy. She was a chihuahua and her name was candy. She had a thick coat of tan fur. All I saw was my 5 year old self playing with candy.
I looked to my right and I saw a dark shadow figure holding the red rose that  had lost. I was frozen with fear and I couldn’t move. The figure started to turn into a little boy. He had short blonde hair, and on his face he had cute little freckles. He was wearing a light blue polo shirt that was tucked into his blue wash jeans. “Who are you?” my voice cracked as I talked. “My name is Nick. What is your name?” he asked in a high pitch voice that sounded like almost any little boy. “Umm my name is Kaylin, why am I here and why do you have my rose?” I said starting to get more comfortable. “First of all, This isn’t your rose. It belongs to my mom, and second of all, You are here to remember your dog.” He said. “Ok you can keep the rose” I said. “But i'm still confused. why do I have to remember my dog? She died 6 years ago.” I said in almost a whisper voice. “Because candy was your best friend and you can’t forget your best friend.” he said.” You can leave now.” he said as he snapped his fingers.

Everything went black for a second, then I noticed that I was back in the room with all the doors. I started to remember more about how close me and candy were. I climbed down the ladder and sat back in my chair. “At Least that wasn’t another dream.” I thought to myself.

Journey to the center of the Earth [First journal Entry]

July 24th,

I am starting this journal to keep a record of my travels. It is the 24th of July and I am in an enclosed governmental facility located in the northern side of Canada. I traveled here from Phoenix, Arizona.
It Is extremely cold.
Several months ago, Scientists confirmed a our deadly fate. The sun was going to die. In order to survive we needed heat. Our closest source of heat: the core of the earth. My mission is to aboard the SSD Colony and serve as a boiler room worker along with 175 other men. It is extremely hard work and many will die. But I am prepared to serve.
Our job is to reach the core and start settlement. Using the latest technology given only to the Global Government, we should be able to stand the pressure and heat.
I am alone. I have no one but myself.  

Core colonization will not save us, but will only prolong our cursed lives.

-Jonathan Smith
Journey To The Center Of Earth
Once upon a time there was a boy named Matt Van Gils. He was a young Lavaridge student and had brown hair, brown eyes and was very athletic. One day he was on his way to test his brand new soccer ball on the soccer field and he looked away for a split second and when he looked back it was gone! He had to do something but he didn't know where to look. He looked everywhere for hours and hours because he loved it so very much. After 5 ½ hours of looking he finally noticed that  there was a note on the ground that said,”

“I am taking your ball to my lair which is in the center of the earth. If you want it back you have to come down and kill me!!!!”
-T Rex

“Oh my gosh how could I be so stupid, it was right where she disappeared and I never even saw it when i looked for hours”!  Luckily he already had a ticket to a trip there and back so he left immediately.On his flight there he saw so many weird and strange animals that he had never ever seen in his whole entire life and his favorite part of the trip was when he saw his mommy!  Finally he arrived and he found T Rex’s secret hideout and killed the dinosaur. “It was the toughest most bloodiest battle I have ever been in, even though i broke my back and dislocated my eyeballs it was worth it to save my brand new soccer ball”, said Matt in front of the camera crew who were on live and Matt returned to America and him and his Brazuca lived happily ever after!!!!!!


Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Chaparral Poetry Contest

Fall (revised)
I love Fall
I love it all
When the weather gets cooler
and no need for computer
When you hear the crisp leaves
So its time for some sleeves
I love Fall

I love fall
I love it all
When its cloudy in the sky
and time to eat pie
I love fall

I love fall
I love it all
When it’s time for the fire
and time to retire
When theres a cool breeze
and it makes you freeze
It’s time for fall!

Hidden Power: Chapter 1: Part 1

      The bell sounds, a morning call. Lights flicker on in every room across the campus and word spreads of the party tonight.  For today was the day. The day we learn the truth about our magic.
      "It's been exactly seven years since the academy opened can believe it. I mean, imagine tonight, beautiful dresses, sharp suites, streamers on every wall. The lights going from scarlet red to ocean blue then royal purple and starting all over again." My friend, Alyssa, daydreams as she changes into her uniform, a scarlet skirt, white blouse, and black flats, and curls her dark, silky brown hair. 
      "Ya. The perfect night every normal kid could dream of." Our other friend, Lilliana, replies, emphasizing the word normal.

      "After tonight, we're no longer in the elementary level. We're headed off to bigger and better things. Like more school work for instance, and on top of that my 'club' has double the amount of training. Yay!" I sigh, sitting on my bed and allowing Lilliana to mess with my jet black hair.
      "You two are so negative. Think about it, after today, we will be considered some of the older kids at this school and the younger grades will be bowing at our feet." Alyssa says, giving a way over exaggerated bow and hitting her head on the desk in front of her. "I meant to do that." She she smiles, flipping some hair out of her face and fixing the black clip holding it back.
      "Sure you did." Lilliana laughs, rolling her eyes and jumping off my bed. "We have to go or we'll be late for the ceremony. Miss that and no one will be 'bowing at your feet' anytime soon." She jokes, grabbing her black fedora and putting it on my head.
      "Very funny." She glares. "But you're right, we better get going." With that she leaves the room with me and Lilliana trailing behind. 
      I look up at the beautiful artwork on the arches above our heads. They we're painted by some of the best artist this school has ever seen and one day I wish that my art will make it up there, and maybe even one day soon. Each piece was detailed from white doves that looked like you could just reach out and feel the soft, feathery creature, to the determined eyes or a warrior fighting off a scaly dragon.
      "I'm gonna miss this place..." I say, running my hand along the white walls of the elementary branch building. "This is the only place I've ever known, and with people always coming and going. It's the only thing I feel I really know..." My voice trails off and I sigh.
      "Don't worry, I heard the middle school branch is even better then this one. Plus the janitors actually try to work well they're there and not just laze around because everything is always so messy." Alyssa points out, "plus, you're really the only one of us who has even been here the whole time it was open, since you were six if I'm not mistaken. So it only holds any value to you and a handful of other kids." She states.
      "Exactly. I've lived here since I was six and I don't remember anything that happened before then so I don't know what to expect outside of these walls, you guys actually lived outside the walls." I reply. "How did you feel when you first had to leave you families to make sure they we're safe? I bet you were scared to leave too."
      "Not really, I was doing it for the good of my loved ones. I guess it was sort of hard but I knew it was something I had to do." Lilliana's voice was surprising calm, this topic was always kind of touchy to her since she joined last year. "Besides, if I didn't come here I would have lost my family, and I never would have met you guys so I would be completely alone, if I even survived."
Everyone went quiet.
    When we got to the end of the hall I was shaking. I didn't know what to expect outside of the elementary branch of the school.
      "Don't worry, Alice, it's not as bad as you think." Alyssa insures me.
     "I know..." I sigh. I take a deep breath and the three of us push through the doors...

To be continued...






The End

The End
Emily Blair

The end
The line at the end of all books
A way of saying the story is over
But is it really over?

Most people say there is nothing else at the end to a story
But I believe they are wrong
Nothing ever comes to the end

There is no such thing as a end
Nothing ever ends
But has a beginning

Once a hero saves someone
There is always someone else to save
It starts a new beginning

Once a villain is defeated
They find someone to try and ruin
Its a new beginning

In all stories there is never an end
Nothing ever ends
It only starts something new

Zenit Contest - Brinley Sullivan

Dear Congress,

    Do you know what Veterans have done for us? A lot! The least we could do is let them keep their most loyal companion of all. Veterans should be able to adopt the dogs they worked with because they will be happier with them, they deserve to have their dogs after what they have done for us, and when they spend that much time with their dog, they grow emotionally attached to them.
    Veterans should be able to adopt the military dogs they worked with because they will be happier with them. In “Call of Duty” by Michael Paterniti, Jose says,”I couldn’t stop smiling. I’m still smiling. It felt like the beginning of a new life.” He was just so happy to be reunited with his dog, Zenit. The article also says,”Others, like Jose, began asking for their dogs, even though they were still of active duty.” They just missed their friends so much. Wouldn’t you want them to be happy again? I know I would. Thats why you should allow Veterans to adopt military dogs.
    Another reason that Veterans should be able to adopt their dogs is that everyone deserves a loyal companion to be with. No one wants to be alone. Jose Armenta said to Zenit, ”He’s like my quiet partner.” They trained and practiced commands together. “It was on those evenings that they were the happiest, just the two of them, working together.” They love their dogs so much, of course Veterans should be able to adopt them. It’s the least we can do, they served in the wars for us. Where would we be in the world without them?
    Last of all, Veterans should be able to keep the dogs they worked with because they grow emotionally attached to them. After his accident, Jose said,” We were a team. If just wanted my dog.” He loved Zenit more than anything. He also states they “Nothing felt right without him.” Some people might say that Veterans shouldn’t be allowed to keep their dogs, but as you can see by the reasons above, they obviously should be able to adopt them.
In conclusion, you can see that Veterans should be able to adopt their dogs because they will be happier people. After all, happy people make a happy world.  They deserve to keep them after they retire because they have given so much to this country. Last of all, when you are emotionally attached to something, you never want to let it go. I'd really appreciate it if you took this letter into consideration.

Brinley Sullivan



Fall is near
Time to cheer.
Ring the bells
Smell the smells.

Here we go 
Down the road 
Then inside to have cocoa.
Have a laugh 
Play all day.

Read a book 
Then sleep all day.
Time to cheer
Fall is near.

Getting Lost at School
I am going into the 1st grade.
My mother takes me to a strange place.
She takes me to a nice women.
Then the women asks me to step outside.
She said that she needed to talk to my mom alone.
So I wandered around this new place.
Then I realized something so horrible.
I was lost.
I didn't know how to get back to my mom.
I wanted to go home.
I wanted to cry.
I wanted my mom.
Then I saw a woman I recognized.
It was my mothers best friend!
She took my to my mother.
I hugged my mother.
She picked me up and said, let’s go.

As we were leaving she asked if liked my new school.

Poetry Contest

Poetry Contest:

Pledge Allegiance Means To Me:
The Country of success, power, and freedom,
The bravest to be,
The strongest of them all,
The most powerful of them all,
The duty of fidelity having faithfulness,
To be owned by subject or citizen,
loyalty or commitment of a subordinate position,
To a superior or an individual to a group or cause.
a promise or undertaking,
to do as if you say;
to prove you do as if you say;
(What the Pledge of Allegiance Means To Me)
-Shayli Habibian
Journey To The Center Of Earth
Once upon a time there was a boy named Matt Van Gils. He was a young Lava Ridge student and had brown hair, brown eyes and was very athletic. One day he was talking to his true love and he looked away for a split second and when he looked back she was gone! He had to do something but he didn’t know where to look. Luckily there was a note on the ground that said,”

“I am taking her to my lair which is in the center of the earth. If you want her back you have to come down and kill me!!!!”
-T Rex

Luckily he already had a ticket to a trip there and back so he left immediately. when he got there he found T Rex’s secret hideout and killed the dinosaur and matt returned to America and him and lived happily ever after!!!!!!


When fall is here, the holidays are near
The burning hot sun goes away
and the cool breeze comes everyday
The leaves turn bright red, yellow, and brown
through out all of the town
It is the time for boots and sweaters
as we come into the perfect weather
Pumpkin carving, Halloween,
hot coco with warm steam
Thanksgiving, Christmas trees
and then snow starts to gleam
The holidays are here
which brings me great cheer
It is definitely my favorite time of year