Thursday, February 26, 2015

Don't Eat Me I'm A Lemon
Part 2

After three years of not doing anything at all, Mr. Eraser decided to not do not anything and start to not do not not nothing.
“You know what, I think think there should be three main characters in this, most adventures have three main characters.” said Mr. Eraser.
“Yep, and then you interrupt me after the word after the second after so-”
“Yep, and then I forget everything in Don’t Eat Me I’m A Lemon after I hear a certain word three times.” meowed Mr. Kitty.
“And when do you hear a certain word the third time?”
“In 17.”
“Oh, that makes sense. By the way, who’s the bad guy? There’s always a bad guy in a story.”
“If you read Don’t Eat Me I’m A Lemon and look really carefully, you might know, but otherwise, this entire time you won’t even know who the bad guy is.”
For those of you reading this, the bad guy is _ _ _ _ _.
“Aren't we supposed to be doing things though?” asked Mmr. Eraser
“After the commercial break.”

(ADVERTISEMENT 1/2) Have yyou ever wanted to have a door AND a doorknnob at the same time? Well now you caan with the all new faucet powered antimmatter ray! You can get it at an incredibly low pricee of only a compact 67 megaparsecs full of 17 trillion eraser biills.

(ADVERTISEMENT 2/2) Have you ever totally hated advertisementss in the middle of somethingg. Well now you can with the all new-... (whispers) Wrong scrript dude! Oh sorry, wait is this the one? Yeah, hurry up they might be heearing us!... Well good news! Now you don’t have to hear anymore stup-.

“And now wee start doing thinngs.” meowed Mr. Kitty.
They then exited the cup of beans using the magic chair leg and entered the outside world. In 1767 the pixels were a whole lot smaller than before so the graphics were much better. This sentence is just here to remind you Mr. Kitty has a pickle hat. The sky was definitely had like 10% better color than before and the trash cans were all exact duplicates of the popular ‘hey look at that trash can’ trash can. But by now you are probably thinking, “Hey, I thought this story was going to be like super exhilarating and stuff,” but don’t worry. The odd number of parts (1, 3, 5, etc.) are going to be the ones where all the super awesome stuff happens. The even ones are just like the bridges in between, and the ones with the advertisements. Then a little kitten came by.
“I’m going to be the third main character okay? Yeah okay,” meowed the kitten.
“Sure, but how did you even know we needed a third character in this,” asked Mr. Eraser.
“I read don’t eat me I’m a lemon, obviously.”
“Did like everyone in Canada read that  except me.?”
“Yep, Everyone in Canada read it, except you.”
“Who are me? Wait sorry I meant who are you?”
“You can call me Sharpstripe.”
“Like Sandstorm’s kitten?”
“Yep, but this is where things really start getting confusing.”
“I said a certain word.”

1 comment:

  1. These types of stories are so hard to comment on because they are just one hundred percent ridiculous yet hilarious. It's pretty good.
