Friday, February 6, 2015

January Post: Another Short Story: Rain

This is  January post...


     Puddles of rain gathered outside and dark storm clouds slowly made their way across the sky. The rain starts to pick up, the light dripping sound was soon replaced by roars The wind speed picked up and everyone just watched, no one said a word, even if they tried no one could of heard them over the crashing rain hitting against the window, it was nearly impossible to see out of it.
     The lights flashed off and you could hear the screams from the younger kids as they huddled closer to their older siblings and whimpered out of fear. The thunder booms and lighting crashes and each child gives out a whimper or scream.
     But not I; the rain didn't bother me, the noises were just another sound, nothing to be afraid of for me.
     Another crash, another flash tearing across the sky, the rain pounded against the window harder as if trying to break in, escape from the bitter cold outside.
     I didn't fear because soon the rain would go away and something new would come.
     The rain begin to lighten up and the thunder and lightning died down. The light shimmered across the cement and everyone stared in awe. A rainbow crossed the sky and the sun  finally shined.


  1. Very descriptive and very captivating! I did not catch any errors, but I wish it was longer. However, this is just amazing! Keep it up!

  2. Wow! It's great! You are very talented with your writing! Great descriptions! It pulls the readers into the story! You are amazing! I didn't catch any errors. That's how amazing it was!
