Everyone knows the story of Robin Hood, The cunning man who stole from the rich and gave to the poor. However, it has been debated whether he is a good guy or a bad one. Even though he stole, the people he stole from were rich, greedy, individuals who only cared about themselves. Robin Hood then took the money and gave it to the poor people who were forced to pay even though they couldn't afford to. Robin Hood was definitely a good guy.
In the play “Robin Hood” from Scope Magazine it talks about how Robin Hood tricked Sir Guy into giving back all the money he took from the poor. In one part of the play, Robin is in the dungeon and Lady Marian secretly comes and visits him. He tells her that he could be living in luxury in another town, but because he loathes the unjust laws and the Sheriff’s cruelties he has chosen to try and help the poor. Even though he is breaking the law, the Sheriff is not being fair. The poor are forced to pay as much as the rich which leaves them without any money and they can’t take care of their families. Robin Hood is a good guy and he helped many people by doing what he did.
Awesome! You explained things really well. I would like to see the word hero more because it describes him well. But really great job!