Thursday, April 30, 2015

Rebekah: April Post

Luckily, my parents finally allowed me to watch YouTube so I watched "Cotton Candy" because I love cotton candy and it really caught my eyes. I really loved everything about it. I don't really have a favorite thing. It was just awesome! (I know Mr. Manning won't like this but i don't really care)

My Peom:
Normal or You

Some don't approve differences.
They call you names that hurt.
Brace face, short, geek, nerd.
They never count for nice.
So that causes change.
A change that shouldn't happen.
Something that changes your life.
But after a while, you seem much worse.
Though you're getting approved, 
it's just not you.
So you just have to be you.
Not like anybody else
Because the best you,
is the real you.
And that's the you that counts.


  1. This is actually a real life situation!

  2. That was really good!! I don't think there is anything i would change about it!

  3. This was beautifully wrote. I like the whole meaning behind it and how clear it is. It was a really great message. I didn't see anything wrong with it at all. Great work.
