Thursday, April 30, 2015

Part One of "The Slayther"

I read The Incomprehensibility. I liked this poem because it flowed like music and it was really descriptive. It made me feel like I was there.

Part One of “The Slayther”
Translated from a manuscript written in Iziérgan

‘Twas the mid of late Octember
Four days short of Sedd Yusember
Month of fearsome fiery embers falling swiftly from the sky
As the midnight bell was striking
Three fourths twight of normal liking
In the light of silver lightning humbly watched my father die
Drawing breath, he said in whisper
In the ancient tongue of Lisper
“My son, Elgris Malzar Lester, eldest of the seven Brave
Listen to the words I sayeth
For I fear thou wilt be slayeth
Should the Slayther monster Abeth wake within his unmarked grave  

Beware the Slayther when he riseth
Beware the Slayther when he glideth
Hidden in the milky shadows, hunting at the end of day
Claws like needles, teeth like sabers
Fiery eyes and ragged slaybers
Covered in its shield of darkness, waiting for the chance to slay

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