Thursday, April 30, 2015

Katie's April Post: All Around You

I read "The Weighing" by Jane Hirshfield. I really liked this poem. It had really great description and a great meaning behind it. I found it very interesting and enjoyable to read/listen too. Overall it was just really great and I really liked the whole thing.

My Poem:

All Around You

If you listen closely,
and you close your eyes.
You realize something,
that just seemed to pass by.

Something different,
yet nothing really new.
You're feeling, something.
A feeling that's true.

Just stop a moment.
Just please calm down.
You're moving to quickly.
You'll miss all around.

You're growing up swiftly.
Just a little to fast.
Stay here a moment,
so this feeling can last.

Take a second.
Notice the truth.
Truly you're missing,
what's all around you.

The poem I listened to was 'Cotton Candy". I like this because it was so specific on what he did with his grandfather on that last walk. he talked about what he saw, felt, and tasted. It really helped me to picture in my mind what it was like with his grandfather.

My baby bro

The baby babbled and bawled,
broke the bottle, binky and book.
 He tussled with toys, toes, and tummy's,
now teething, throwing, and tossing.

Getting more messy, muddy,
and crying for mommy.
 we scrubed, splashed, and soaked with suds,
then rinse and dry with a rag.

 And off to the chair of rocking.
we rock, rock, rock, this is getting boring,
Whats that? Nothing,
you can only hear him snoring.

April Post - Ryan Bethers

Ryan Bethers P.2

I listened to the poem “Cotton Candy”. I really liked the way he described the walk with his grandpa. He was very specific about every detail on what he thought in his mind and what the scene of being on the bridge looked like.


Basketball is a very fun sport to play,
you can practice almost any day.
there is always something new to learn,
for instance you can break ankles by doing a turn.

Whistle blows and the game starts,
we whizz around the court like darts.
Slamming the ball hard on the floor,
the only way to win is to score.

In a basketball game there is only one way to fame,
working together with your teammates will make it possible to win the game.
all you can hear is the coach screaming a play out loud,
though when we score the coach becomes very proud.

My basketball shoes could make me fly,
on the court I could jump so high.
I wasn’t the best on my team,
but I certainly was in my dreams.

April Blog Post-Shayli Habibian

I chose “Cotton Candy” read by Edward Hirsch. I really liked this poem because it was really descriptive on how the cotton candy’s appearance was. When the author described the cotton candy it was as if the cotton candy was melting in my mouth and I could picture it right there in front of me! This was an excellent poem. I really liked it.

What is it?

The game that started in the 19th century.
Red dirt with white bases.
Sunflower seeds that choose to fly out of your mouth at any time,
The yellow ball that has stitching as red as blood,
You bat, catch, and throw.

The wind breezes through your hair as your up to home base
Smack the ball so hard to where it hits the outfield,
Home Run is calling your name.
Its not to hard to guess by now..

What is it?

April Post - Braden Christensen

I read "Cotton Candy" by Edward Hirsch. I really liked how descriptive he was when he was reading. It really put a bold picture in my mind making it feel like I was there for myself. There were lots of cool things about the poem. I liked the repetition when he said it was the last time he was on the bridge with cotton candy and because of those two things it made it that much more memorable.


When I come to school
I do lots of strange fun things
in language arts I write a lot
in choir I always sing

When I come to school 
I do many funky things
in science break things just for fun
in P.E we run laps not for fun

When I come to school
I do some boring things
like sitting at a computer for an hour
or in math we write numbers down for more than an hour

When I leave the school
I do not get on the bus
on the road that I walk
takes me right home

Foxes Continued: Rebekah

Just because I want to get caught up so I could put this all up (hopefully) by the end of the year. Also Mrs. Robins said I could do this extra post. Sorry if this is not the part you were one. Oh and make sure to read the others before you read this or else you'll be very confused.

           Because of Jazz’s shyness, Emerald would rarely have her friends over. She would complain many times about her sister being too quiet and that her best friends would think that Jazz was just being plain rude. Candy would shout at Emerald until I would step in and send the two to their sides of the burrow. After giving them the same lecture about being together for the rest of their lives and how they needed to get along, Jazz would run outside, hide behind a tree and cry until I called her inside.
           Going on walks was one of the things I would push, but it was hard to even get going. I would wake them up just as the sun comes up and get them ready. Every time, Emerald would ask if her friends could join and every time I’d say no. Then Candy would ask where we would go and I’d have to explain that we were going to the center of the forest. Then Jazz would whimper because that’s where foxes would go and hang out, and then she’d ask if she could stay home. Of course I would tell her no, and then Candy would bounce in and ask if we could go to the meadows to see the mountains or if we could go to my mother’s fox hole. Then before I could answer Emerald would complain that she liked her friends so much and that she never had a chance to go on a walk with them, and before I could explain that this was a family type of thing, Candy would start to argue with Emerald by saying that she always hung out with her friends and that she needed a break. Then an argument would break out and Emerald would begin to shout, and Jazz would whimper in fear, and Candy’s claws would come out and the two would be rolling around on the floor clawing and scratching until I snapped at them and told them to come outside so that we could take our walk.
           Our morning walks were usually happen at noon and weren’t pleasant. Whenever the two older girl’s eyes met, they would hiss and I would snap at them and Jazz would run off in fright. Then we’d have to spend an entire hour looking for her, and a half an hour coaxing her that it was safe to come out.
           We’d reach the center of the forest around three, and then the kids would hang out with their friends (besides Jazz, who’d hide behind me the entire time, or would hide behind the nearby trees) until they ran to me and complained that they were hungry. Then we’d take a more peaceful walk home, with Emerald and Candy happier than before.
           Though there were arguments, fights, and shouting, we’d usually get along pretty well. I would always try my best to be a happy mother, but after a perfect walk, while I’d be drawing with Jazz Emerald and Candy would bound up to me and begin to ask questions.
           “Mom? Can Mayflower come o-?” Emerald would start, and Jazz would wiggle out of her room and hide behind a tree or bush, knowing what was happening.
           “Can we go to the meadow tom-?” Candy would interrupt.
           “You asked that yesterday.” Emerald would snap, then ask, “Mom, I promised Mayflower I’d come over today on our walk. Can I go now?”
           “You said that last week and I found you at the trade place with nobody.”
           “No I didn’t! You must be blind.” the oldest would snap, with a hint of guilt in her voice. Candy would shout back, saying she wasn’t and that Emerald was a big fat liar. The two would bicker more until the name Cody showed up. Then the fight would break out and the two girls would be barking, growling, rolling around on the floor, and biting each other madly.
            Out of experience, I would usually wait the two girls out until they began to slow down, and then break them up. Then usually I’d send Candy to go apologize to Jazz for fighting with her sister. I learned the hard way never to send Emerald. Once I did and she walked up to her younger sister, and rolled her eyes which was after a sorry in a tone that told Jazz “I never want to talk to you again,” and then Jazz burst out crying and ran away. It took us six hours until we finally found her bawling near the river bank, looking like she wanted to jump in and drown, then another half an hour trying to coax her back.
            Other than the usual daily walk and fight, we got along just swell. I wished I could stop time, so the dreaded moment of when they could leave would never come. But apparently, I didn’t hold that power, because time seemed to fly by. My cubs started to get bigger in the next short six months.

            Emerald was out of the house more hanging out with more and more cubs. I started letting Candy go to the meadows with Jazz once in a while. Ever time, Candy came back energetic and talkative and Jazz would return later from the woods…quiet.

Part One of "The Slayther"

I read The Incomprehensibility. I liked this poem because it flowed like music and it was really descriptive. It made me feel like I was there.

Part One of “The Slayther”
Translated from a manuscript written in Iziérgan

‘Twas the mid of late Octember
Four days short of Sedd Yusember
Month of fearsome fiery embers falling swiftly from the sky
As the midnight bell was striking
Three fourths twight of normal liking
In the light of silver lightning humbly watched my father die
Drawing breath, he said in whisper
In the ancient tongue of Lisper
“My son, Elgris Malzar Lester, eldest of the seven Brave
Listen to the words I sayeth
For I fear thou wilt be slayeth
Should the Slayther monster Abeth wake within his unmarked grave  

Beware the Slayther when he riseth
Beware the Slayther when he glideth
Hidden in the milky shadows, hunting at the end of day
Claws like needles, teeth like sabers
Fiery eyes and ragged slaybers
Covered in its shield of darkness, waiting for the chance to slay


Everything I own has a prefix of "Bat".
Obsessed with bats.
Fighting crime.
Criminals hate me, fear me.
Dressed in black.
Slowly stalking.
Waiting to strike.
Throw a bat shaped knife
At the Joker's face.
Punch him.
Kick him.
Knee him.
Be a Boss.
I'm Batman.

Rebekah: April Post

Luckily, my parents finally allowed me to watch YouTube so I watched "Cotton Candy" because I love cotton candy and it really caught my eyes. I really loved everything about it. I don't really have a favorite thing. It was just awesome! (I know Mr. Manning won't like this but i don't really care)

My Peom:
Normal or You

Some don't approve differences.
They call you names that hurt.
Brace face, short, geek, nerd.
They never count for nice.
So that causes change.
A change that shouldn't happen.
Something that changes your life.
But after a while, you seem much worse.
Though you're getting approved, 
it's just not you.
So you just have to be you.
Not like anybody else
Because the best you,
is the real you.
And that's the you that counts.
Kyler’s April Post:
I listened to “Cotton Candy” by Edward Hirsch. I liked how he made it sound like you were living inside the poem. He explained the walk that he took with his grandpa, and the cotton candy he ate while crossing the old, brown bridge.  It was very well written and thought out and it sounded like he actually cared to write about it.

From mountains to roads
I pass the little stream
The nature talks in code
Look how the water gleams

I grab a quick snack
wipe the sweat of my head
find the nearest track
look at the mountains, oh so red

I love to ride my bike
it makes me feel so happy
My sister has a little trike
it is kinda crappy

The feeling of the ride
the adrenaline rush you get
I’ve never been so alive

There is no stopping yet

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

April Post

April Post

I listened to “How Do I Know When A Poem Is Finished?” and the thing I liked about it most was that it made me think of doors. I don’t know why, but now I just want to get a door for my room that has some advanced technology thingy on it to make it super cool. Don’t ask me why the poem made me think about that, it just did. So enjoy this poem.


Apples are green
Lemons are blue
All I can think about
Is something not true

Nothing can stop it
As it is in control
Something worth living
Must always be dull

If something is good
Then it isn’t understood
Happiness is in it’s hood

Life is sad
Over and over and
Virus of the future
Exactly what is planned

Rain - April Post

I read Edward Hirsch reading "Cotton Candy". I loved the description, a lot. He really painted a picture of his cotton candy and the Chicago bridge and his grandfather. It was almost like experiencing it firsthand. It was really somber but beautiful. I really liked it.



Trickling, dripping

Streaming down

Grey skies

Memories reborn

Echoes on the roof

Fog on the window

Pure and clean

Sad but sweet

"The angels are crying"

"No, sweetie, it's just the rain"

But today

I am not crying alone

April Post - Hallie Remund

I listened to Edward Hirsch read "Cotton Candy". I liked the words that he used to paint a picture in my mind. I could see the cotton candy in his hand as they walked across the bridge. I also liked the way that he read the poem, and that it was short and meaningful about a great memory.

Home Plate
    It was the middle of April and my team was up to bat
    I was fifth in the batting order and now it was my turn
        Tie ball game, I had to either hit or get 4 balls
        The first two are balls, but the third is a strike
     I get down into batting position and look at the pitcher
       She looks serious and I start to feel a little anxious
  The pitcher steps on the mound, and hurls the ball at me
I feel angry because it was a perfect pitch and I didn't swing
 The catcher throws the ball back to her
        I take a couple practice swings outside of the box to get ready
           We both start over our routine, as she swings the ball at me one more time
                 I take a step and give the swing every bit of power I have
      The next thing I know the ball is flying through the air and my coach yelling, “Run!”
                 As I sprint to first base the ball is still whooshing through the air.
                                       I keep sprinting until…. home run.

One moment...

Just one moment
Was all it took
One moment later
My world shook

For she was gone
And would never be back
She had fallen to the ground
And had hit with a smack

She's buried now
Deep underground
Inside our house will never be the same
There will be no sound

There is no laughing
No movement, no sound
Our house feels so empty
It makes us feel down

For it took only a moment
And my life had turned
For she was gone now
And my heart was burned.

I actually laughed part-way through writing this thing I guess that might give you a clue that I'm a serial kil-eater! I'm a cereal eater! Anyway, I kinda made it up as I went along and I guess that's why it's both depressing, sad, and a wee bit creepy. Yeah... don't just me please.

April Post- Taylor Hatch

I listened to Edward Hirsch's "Cotton Candy". I really liked how descriptive it was and how it was kind of  a memory. I liked the way he read it too. I was kind of hungry at the time I was looking through the poems and the title "Cotton Candy" really appealed to me then. I loved how it didn't rhyme, so maybe that was also why I liked it. Here's my poem: Worth

A small smile,
but no words.
A small frown,
but no tears.

Crying alone,
then laughing out loud.
Being hurt,
but hiding it inside.

Flying away,
while no ones home.
Swimming back,
when you aren't alone.

wondering who you are.
when you realize what you're worth.

I just kind of typed what came to my head. It's a bit depressing but also happy... Weird.


April Blog Post - Annie Baker

The poem that I read was “Cotton Candy”. I liked all of the detail. It made me feel like I was the little boy on the bridge. I thought that this writer is excellent.

walking up the steps,
the school bell rings
Trying to find my classes,
what joy it brings

I walk into my classroom
i'm feeling a bit queasy
my classroom smells of newly written chalk.
I'm feeling as if this is quite easy.

Meeting my new classmates,
and walking through the halls
brings me such excitement,
its the first day of school.

Revised March Post!

Ryan Bethers P.1
Journey to the Center of the Earth
Once upon a time there was a Chicken. The Chicken had always wanted to go to the center of the earth because, he was the last chicken on earth, and he had been told that their were more chickens in the center of the earth. So that Chicken was famous so he had been given a giant metal chicken machine, that had a diamond beak. The Chicken had already tried to peck at the ground multiple times, but he wouldn’t get that far. So the Chicken was excited to use the giant chicken machine because he was sure he could get further with him controlling it. One day the chicken jumped in his machine and turned it on and it started to peck at the ground with its diamond beak. After a long time the Chicken was still in his chicken machine and not even close to getting to the end of the crust. Plus it was getting really hot, and the Chickens ears popped. As the Chicken gradually got closer to the end of the crust the heat and the pressure kept getting worse and worse. All the sudden the Chicken made it out of the crust and then his machine melted so fast, and the Chicken instantly turned Kentucky Fried! After that there was no more chickens left on earth people guessed that the last chicken must have made it to the center of the earth, but they will never know that the chicken didn’t make it.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

April Post

I watched/listened the poem, Jackrabbits, Green Onions, & Witches Stew, by Juan Fellepe I enjoyed how unique the poem was. He made it seem like a song. I loved the way it flowed. His ending was my favorite, “Bubble gum sum”.  

Him or Her

He cried
He shouted
He wanted to be free

She laughed
She giggled
She was having the time of her life

He held on screaming
She threw her hands up
They grew close together

They came to a screeching stop
They flew forward
“Boy, that was the best roller coster ever!”

A Good Morning ~ Sophie Post

I listened to "Cotton Candy" by Edward Hirsch. I really enjoyed the great description and how the poem flowed so well. It is a very well written piece of literature.
A Good Morning
What a good morning,
indeed the sun is coming.
It shines through the clouds storming,
 from the night before snowing
they’re clearing.

I rise from my bed springing
my night prison I’m escaping.
My mother calls with a thought dawning
I run downstairs yawning.

Then I see them gleaming,
gifts red, green, and ribbons sparkling.
I am joined by excited siblings screaming
I say to myself what a good morning.

Quig's April Post

     I read the poem Cotton Candy and enjoyed it. I liked how the author made it sound like your are in the authors spot in the story. 

My Poem:

Roses are grey
Violets are grey
This is what I see 
all of the day
Sometimes I swim
Sometimes you laugh
But I only see grey
But you don't see that
I frolic a lot 
as you can see 
A dog I am 
as dog as I can be.

Part One of "The Slayther"

I read The Incomprehensibility. I liked this poem because it flowed like music and it was really descriptive. It made me feel like I was there.

Part One of “The Slayther”
Translated from a manuscript written in Iziérgan

‘Twas the mid of late Octember
Four days short of Sedd Yusember
Month of fearsome fiery embers falling swiftly from the sky
As the midnight bell was striking
Three fourths twight of normal liking
In the light of silver lightning humbly watched my father die
Drawing breath, he said in whisper
In the ancient tongue of Lisper
“My son, Elgris Malzar Lester, eldest of the seven Brave
Listen to the words I sayeth
For I fear thou wilt be slayeth
Should the Slayther monster Abeth wake within his unmarked grave  

Beware the Slayther when he riseth
Beware the Slayther when he glideth
Hidden in the milky shadows, hunting at the end of day
Claws like needles, teeth like sabers
Fiery eyes and ragged slaybers

Covered in its shield of darkness, waiting for the chance to slay

Monday, April 27, 2015

April Post- Audrey Godfrey- Dance

I listened to "How Do I Know When a Poem Is Finished?" read by Naomi Shihab Nye. I liked how she compared the room to a poem. She gave the room human qualities, personification, and really made it sound like the room had feelings. I could imagine what she was saying in my mind.  

It is wings to lift you,
Carry you, help you, build you,
Take you wherever you dream.
It flows in and through you,
It is you uncovered.
It is a way to lose yourself,
And find yourself all at the same time.
You do it because you need to.
You do it for the little girl watching,
Who wants to be just like you someday.
You do it for pure joy and pain.
You do it to free yourself.
But most importantly,
You do it for you.
