Friday, December 12, 2014

Skylar's revised Center of the Earth story.

Chuck Norris woke up in a deep crater. Must have been snoring again he thought as he got out of bed. Then the phone rang. When he picked it up, he heard Superman’s voice. “It’s Batman. He’s gone.” Chuck was not expecting that. “We need to assemble the team,” he replied. “It’s time.”
Minutes later, Chuck and Superman met on the corner of “Epic” and “Story”. Chuck Norris brought the magic conch shell of amazing power, that he stole from Spongebob two weeks earlier. “Blow the conch!” said Superman, clearly in a hurry. Chuck blew. Then, as if by magic, four figures appeared. The first of which was the Incredible Hulk.  Next came Dobby, Smeagol, and the Doctor with his Tardis. “Dobby came as fast as he could,” said Dobby in his annoyingly high pitched voice. “We need to save Batman,” said Chuck. “He’s been taken to the center of the earth by cavemen! Hulk, I need you to smash the earth’s crust so we can get to the mantle. “Grrr…” Hulk replied as he pulled a street lamp out of the ground. He started smashing. Huge cracks in the earths crust appeared as he beat at the sidewalk.
After about thirty minutes of smashing, Hulk finally got through 25 miles of crust, down to the mantle. “Now Dobby,” said Superman. “I need you to create a force field around all of us and float us down through the two liquid layers. It didn’t take much time before they were standing right in the center of the planet. Iron and nickel for miles. It was completely flat except for the giant iron huts that were created as homes for the cavemen. The strong metallic smell made the entire place seem that much more desolate. Then, out of one of the bigger huts came a giant t-rex. At the sight of Chuck Norris, the dinosaur began to regret coming out of the hut. But he attacked them anyways.
“Smeagol! I need you to use the ring to hide us from the giant man eating dinosaur!” Screamed Chuck Norris. Smeagol put on the ring and hid them all.  Once Chuck saw that his friends were safe, he decided to beat up that big old reptile. He punched it in the jaw. The sound of its skull shattering echoed off the walls. The giant monster fell with a defining boom as Chuck walked away like an action movie star. Oh wait, he is.  “All clear guys!” he yelled. Smeagol took off the ring and revealed the team in their hiding place. “Now we should all split up and look for Batman,” said the Doctor. They all split into teams to look for the lost super hero. But as soon as they decided who was going with who, Dobby spontaneously combusted into flame. “Dobby feels hot!” he screamed. “It must have been the heat of the iron core!” yelled the Doctor. “Just leave him, he’s done for.” So they left Dobby to die a fiery death.
After much searching, the Legendary Team of Awesomeness found Batman tied up in one of the metal huts in the most desolate part of the core, and he surrounded by a bunch of cavemen. “The time is now to save our friend,” said Superman. “Go!” Then one by one, the team picked off the cavemen in the most awesome way possible. Hulk smashed cavemen left and right while the Doctor used his Sonic Screwdriver to blow up a caveman's brain. Smeagol just sat and admired the One Ring, until his face was stabbed over and over by a caveman with a spear. After the most bloody and violent battle of all time, they had finally won. The battle was over. Batman was free. But the journey just begun. “How are we going to get back?” asked Batman. “Leave that to me,” said the Doctor as he stepped into the Tardis. “Hurry! Get in before the Tardis lights on fire--like Dobby!” They all got into the Tardis and teleported back to the crust. After much work, Chuck Norris rented a dump truck, and a shovel, and filled that hole to the center of the Earth forever.

Or so they thought…

(I might write a sequel, what do you guys think?)


  1. I went through and made Dobby talk in first person, and I tried to make it more descriptive. I might even keep this going and make it a full on story, but I want to hear your opinions first.

  2. I have already done all of my comments, I just wanted to say I think you should write a sequel! :)

  3. Great story! Very Humorous. I love how the doctor chose to leave Dobby behind.

    I would recommend giving Hulk more dialog;
    his only line is "Grrr..."

  4. Awesome story! Really funny. You should definitely keep on writing stories like these. This is Mr. Manning's version of awesome, and that's saying something.

  5. If Mr. Manning and awesomeness is using in the same sentence, it's going to be epic! ha ha Great work Skylar--I could tell you did revisions. This is such a fun mash-up of pop culture. Yes, definitely do another one:)
