Monday, November 17, 2014

Loch Ness Monster

Dear scotland,
I think that you should continue searching for the Loch Ness Monster. We have the technology to create a device to find the monster. Other creatures that we thought were myths turned out to be real. People have seen Nessy so we want to see if it is real or not. So join with me in proving the Loch Ness Monster is real!
First, in class just today we were wondering if Scotland had a king or queen, so we said “just ask Siri.” This informs you technology is a big part of our lives. We have come a long ways with our advancement in tech devices in even the past five years. In 2003 scientists scanned over the lake using sonar and satellites. (that was in 2003 we have made way more high tech things since then) Do you always do something right the first time? That answer would be no. In gymnastics can you do a backhandspring the moment you walk into that gym. No, it takes you time to be sure you can do it correctly. Same with this search, with our new age I think we should keep scoping the area over again because of our improved technology.
Also, did you know that once the Komodo Dragon was A myth? Fisherman were sitting on a beach in what is now Indonesia when they spotted a gigantic lizard creeping towards them. When they went home they told people, but nobody believed them. Still after that people were reporting giant 10 foot lizards. Sure enough the lizard was proved real and was named. This is also true with the giant squid. A creature with an edged beak and tentacles was spotted for hundreds of years by sailors. Again with further research it ended up being a giant squid. See, just because they kept working on what they discovered they proved it was not a myth. This could happen with the Loch Ness Monster.
In conclusion, Scotland, you should listen to all those people who saw and took pictures and search for this creature. The technology now is better than ever. So if there is a time to do it the time is now. Even if it is not a monster it could be an unknown species of fish. It would be amazing if what happened to the giant squid happened to Nessy. So lets get searching! The next time people tell you that you are imagining things. Go out and find out for yourself if it is real! Just like we should do with the Loch Ness Monster!  


  1. I really like your essay. You have some great reasons, but when you do you claim, try to put them all in one sentence with commas in between them. Great Job!

  2. GOOD JOB. I really liked how you stated your reasons. I would try to put them all in 1 sentence though. Good job

  3. I like it! Maybe you could put all of your claim in one sentence with comas instead of separating them with periods. Other than that it is really good!

  4. Great job! I can see the Lochness Monster Smack-down is beginning! Yes, make your claim one, clear sentence. I liked your use of evidence and the real-world connections you made. Well done:)

  5. Good job! Although I do not agree with you, I think you did I great job. I liked your reasons, I liked how you used our "Siri" moment in class in your paragraph. I agree with everyone else, make you claim into one sentence. Other than that good job!
