I can't even begin to tell you how much I enjoyed this year! Each one of you is so talented, and I've been delighted to see you grow as readers and writers. I'm so proud of what we've accomplished together: maintaining this great writing blog, creating an outstanding school newspaper (The Global Gecko) and seeing you all enter and WIN writing contests on local and national levels. I am so proud of each one of you.
Thanks for learning along with me, sharing your insights and writing, laughing with me and making 2nd period my favorite time of the day. I'll miss you all but I'm excited for you as you move onto middle school and beyond. I'm expecting marvelous things from this group of students. Keep in touch with me in the future and know that I'll always be cheering you on!
I've decided to leave this blog up online. You are welcome to keep posting, commenting and I hope you'll visit this blog when you are older--maybe even show your kids--and see how far your writing has come. I love you guys!! Mrs. Robins :)