As you know, this awesome class has a focus on writing. My goal is to give you as many writing opportunities and feedback as possible to help you hone your craft. Here are some guidelines to get you started:
- Check your school email, I'll send you an invitation to become an author on the blog. This means you can make your own posts and comment on other's postings. Yay!
- You are required to post once a month. On your postings, you can post any piece of writing you'd like. You may post an entry for a writing contest (also a monthly requirement), a short story, poem, book review, personal observation, report on a subject you are interested in, a newspaper article, etc. Any piece of writing that you are okay with other students commenting on it is okay with me. As far as length, I'm not going to be specific and leave it to your judgement.
- How To Post: Click the "Post" button on the top right screen. Type your post and hit "update". It should now show on the blog.
- You are required to make 3 comments on other student's posts (don't comment on the same student's writing more than once). When commenting, give them several lines with positive feedback: 1 thing you liked, 1 literary element/author's trick they did well and 1 thing they can do to improve. It is never okay to be rude. Remember, we are helping each other become good authors. Some weeks, I might have a specific literary element/author's trick for you to look for. I will keep you informed on this.
Example of a good comment: Hey Em, really great poem! I liked the way it painted a picture in my head because of the good words you used. As an author, you really mastered alliteration. The repetition of the "s" sound was cool--it sounded like wind when I read it. For an improvement, what about adding another stanza at the end to describe the setting more? Keep up the good work! --Mrs. Robins
Examples of cruddy comments:
I didn't like your poem, it was stupid and I didn't understand. This is rude and there is no room for that!
I liked your poem. You are a good writer. Your shirt is cute. While this post is nice, it doesn't address the three things you need and it's way too short.
4. At the end of the school year, you will choose your very best piece of writing to publish in a book featuring all 7th grade Honors students. This writing blog will give you a lot of practice.
5. You are required to enter a writing contest once a month. I'll post writing contest links to this page and talk about it in class. You are welcome to use the blog to post your writing contest to get feedback on it.
I'm your biggest fan. I'm a professional writer myself and I will do everything I can to help you become a better writer. Please ask me if you have any questions and enjoy!